34 Mujeres for Oscar Chicago Soars at the Eagle in Logan Square

by Diana Castillo, National Boricua Human Rights Network
Under the Logan Square Eagle, nearly 50 people gathered with the 34 Mujeres for Oscar Chicago to rally for the release of the last Puerto Rican political prisoner–Oscar Lopez Rivera.
With the location changing from the Division/Milwaukee/Ashland intersection (where 34 Mujeres for Oscar had met for the last 6 months) to the Eagle, there was much anticipation. In the midst of a rapidly gentrified Logan Square, it was refreshing to see many Puerto Ricans and other latin@s transiting in that area.
As people began to gather and greet one another, the sunny day seemed to have given the 34 Mujeres for Oscar collective a sense of renewed energy and hope that was carried throughout the 34 minutes the gathering lasts. Whereas, women and children chanted holding Puerto Rican flags and signs, male supporters gathered petitions and distributed literature to passersby. while the event was happening It was special and inspirational to see  people show their support by beeping their horns, giving the thumbs up, and once in a while by someone yelling out of their car window… WEPA! 34 Mujeres for Oscar will be back at the Eagle in Logan Square for the next 2 months. The gathering lasts 34 minutes for the 34 years Oscar has been imprisoned. Oscar Lopez Rivera has taken a stand for his country, his community, his people; come stand in support for his release on March 26th at 3:00pm and make your voice be heard. Check out our Flickr album!
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