The Frailty of Strength & viceversa: The journey has begun


The journey has begun. Friday night we kicked off the show “The Frailty of Strength & viceversa” which is scheduled to end before September 20th in Puerto Rico.
One hundred and twenty six monotypes were on display in this growing installation. By the time the opening of the show ended Friday new collaborators had joined this art piece totaling another 26 monotypes to be added. The goal is 911 monotypes before the exhibition opens in Puerto Rico. This leg of the show will be up in Chicago until May 25th.
Great start to this call to action. Thanks to the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, The Humboldt Park Boathouse Gallery, and everyone who came by and supported this exhibit.

My biggest thanks go to the collaborators with which none of this would be possible.
They are: Leo Cabranes, Gladys Berrios, Jeyka LabordeCarlo GiuseppeNorena Llaves CuretDany PabonAshley MartinezEduardo ArochoAlejandro RamosAdrian Rivera-NegronJuanki Acevedo y familia, Madeline TrocheHarry León, Carlos Torres, Gerardo Vargas PadillaRosa GitanaLuisa E. RoqueVanessa VazquezLizbeth ColonGaby GarcíaAngel SantiagoBeti GuevaraPseudo MeroKaren RossiVero PantojaNeeltje Van, Marta Sallaberry, Sonia RosaMara Rivera, Alexandra Armstrong, Melissa Burgos, Keila R. Davila AliceaZaire Dinzey, Giselle Valle, Gladys Ríos, Minerva Casañas, Omayra Syevens, Gyselle Gomez, Joanne Gil Rivera,Dimarys Rose.


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